I will usually do it by ear and then adjust or do it by looking at the wave of the backtrack (in your situation the beat I assume).īy ear: Group the tracks using ctrl+G or with the selector tool (F7 if I remember correctly) place cursor on one of the vocal tracks (assuming more than one), using shift and click on more tracks, just befor the hook, a bar or 2.
Use slip mode (F2) as said in the post above. Don't forget to take advantage of the 'ALL' group and cross fades
It will be a great learning experience for sure, so save your session under another name and edit away(leaving the original version alone in case you need to revert and start over). This can all be done, but it takes time and musical ability(so you know how to push/pull regions) to make it all work. Of course, with no click, the tempo can vary all over and you might need to move audio AFTER the hook to make it all sound smooth.(ur use Elastic Audio to stretch things around). Since it seems like you recorded 'wild', you need to use SLIP mode(F2) and use Tab to Transient to find the correct spot to drop your pasted hook. Recording to a click allows you freedom to copy/paste/cut your song with relative ease. You might want to look for some tutorials on YouTube that would expain it visually. You really need the song to be set to the right tempo in ProTools, then in grid mode you can copy and paste to an exact spot on the grid.